
The United States must not be fooled into trusting the CCP

At a time when the Chinese Communist Party is facing internal and external difficulties, CCP senior officials will have hidden agendas when they visit the United States.  The United States must not be fooled into trusting the CCP. According to ABC News, the Foreign Minister of the Communist Party of China Wang Yi and other top Chinese diplomats will visit Washington, D.C


七一前纽约华人集会 高喊给共产党送葬

七一到,中国民主人权联盟、中国民主党6月29日联合在纽约华人社区法拉盛举办“反共反渗透”集会,声讨中共罪恶。多位近期通过“走线”逃离中国的年轻人亦加入其中。他们高喊“打倒共产党!”“End CCP!”,高唱“没有共产党,才有新中国”,最后烧恶党党旗“给中共送葬”。